
Over the years we have done several projects. Browse below to see the details of some of them.

Shotcrete and slope stabilisation at Power Station Extension, Delimara

Shotcrete and slope stabilisation at Power Station Extension, Delimara

Terracore Ltd was commision to carry out shotcreting works at the new Delimara power station extension.

City Gate Project, Valletta

City Gate Project, Valletta

City Gate project is part of a national strategy that aims to revitalise Valletta, a UNESCO world heritage site and capital of the Maltese Islands. With the designs produced by the world renowned architect,...

Geothermal ground energy testing – City Gate, Valletta

Geothermal ground energy testing – City Gate, Valletta

Terracore Ltd was selected to drill two boreholes, 140m deep, for the preliminary testing of the proposed geothermal cooling/heating system of the new Parliment building.